Live chat for gay men
In the live chat of German Aidshilfe on gays provide advice for gays and other men who have sex with men - direct, anonymous and for free. You can reach them daily between 5 PM and 8 PM.
They are at your disposal for any questions about sexual health and gay life.
Free health checks
Besides HIV, there are other sexually transmitted infections. Even condoms only reduce the risk of infection but do not provide complete protection.
Use our free offer "Test it!" and have yourself checked regularly. We offer tests for HIV, syphilis, chlamydia, gonococci (gonorrhea) as well as hepatitis B and C. "Test it!" takes place every Tuesday from 6 - 8 PM in the Aidshilfe rooms.
There is a very controversial discussion about the use of the antibiotic doxycycline to reduce the risk of infection by syphilis or chlamydia.
You can find information on what speaks for and what speaks against here.
With the condom, PrEP (the precaution pill against HIV) and protection by therapy, we now have three methods available to safely protect against HIV if used properly.
Which safer sex method suits you best? Here we give you important information about the methods.
PrEP counseling
There are many questions about PrEP: “How safe is it?”, “What do I need to look out for?”, “What are the advantages and disadvantages compared to other safer sex methods?”, “Is PrEP suitable for me as a prevention method?” or “Where can I get PrEP and how much does it cost?”
We therefore offer PrEP consultations by telephone on 0681 - 19 4 11 or in person by prior appointment.